Opening Times

  • Monday: 10am – 5pm
  • Tuesday: 10am – 5pm
  • Wednesday: 10am – 5pm
  • Thursday: 10am – 5pm
  • Friday: 10am – 5pm
  • Saturday: 10am – 6pm
  • Sunday: 10am – 6pm

5 Reasons to Take a Class Trip to an Aquarium

The ocean makes up most of our planet, and the creatures that dwell in the ocean are enchanting and endlessly fascinating. That’s why an aquarium will provide a superb alternative for your school’s next trip – one that will capture you and your pupils’ attention and enhance the curriculum.

There are many benefits to choosing to visit an aquarium on your school trip, and here are five of them.

Improves Vocabulary

What better way to learn new words than to see the creatures that the words are referring to? An aquarium offers extensive visual stimulation that’s perfect for children’s cognitive development, making it a great choice for a day out where they can further develop their vocabulary through identification. Here at BPA, your pupils will have the opportunity to learn about various fish species that they see, and can then discuss the similarities and differences.

Encourages Relaxation

Children can be very highly strung, but an aquarium will encourage them to maintain zen. An aquarium offers a mellow rhythm that will soothe them as they gaze at colourful fish. In fact, a scientific study conducted by the University of Exeter has found that mere exposure to an aquarium can help reduce children’s stress and anxiety, which can be immense in this day and age – so if that’s not a good enough reason to visit an aquarium, we don’t know what is!

Promotes an Appreciation for Nature

You can’t fully appreciate the magnitude of life under the sea unless you see it in person, and we can’t stress enough how important it is to teach children that there is a world beyond their neighbourhood that they have yet to explore. Luckily for them, BPA is home to many creatures from the deep, many of which your pupils will never have seen before.

This will not only be their first opportunity to see the creatures first-hand, but they will also learn about their habitats and behaviours, as well as our conservation efforts to help preserve marine life and how they can do their part.

Inspires Imagination

Did you know that Christopher Columbus once mistook manatees as mermaids? There are unusual, mysterious lifeforms under the sea, which is why an aquarium is the perfect place to spark your pupils’ imaginations.

The creatures of the ocean are beautiful and colourful, and they can provide endless inspiration for our imaginations, and there’s simply no substitute to seeing them up-close in real life.

Appeals to Different Types of Learners

Each child learns differently to the next, but an aquarium appeals to many types of learners simultaneously.

Visual learners will be drawn to the vibrant colours of the coral cave and all the fish that call it home, whereas auditory learners will be attracted to the tours and talks that are scheduled throughout the day. And whenever that is not available, there are still the sounds of the animals and visitors. Tactile learners, on the other hand, will definitely enjoy interacting with the displays, while kinesthetic learners will do a lot of walking and exploring around our various features.

Arrange Your School Visit Today!

Apart from all these wonderful benefits, we also offer different educational talks on several Key Stages to suit pupils of all ages.

If we’ve convinced you that we are the ideal choice for your next school trip, then give us a call today on 0151 357 8804 to arrange your visit – a member of the Blue Planet Aquarium team will be on hand to organise a schedule for your school trip in advance.

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